Probiotics - an integral part of the life of modern man

Each of us has already heard about probiotics, and maybe even taken. But what exactly are probiotics and why is it necessary to take them? In this article we will give some information about probiotics and their impact on human health.

Did you know that the word probiotic, translated from Greek, means "for life" or "for the benefit of life"? This is the goal of taking probiotics today - maintaining a "good life" of the intestinal microflora, as well as restoring the normal level of "good" bacteria in the body in conditions of dysbiosis.

Maintaining the required percentage of good bacteria in the body helps to:

• Better digestion and absorption of nutrients;
• Suppression and elimination of pathogenic microorganisms from the intestinal mucosa through the production of active metabolites and / or competition with them for nutrients and localization;
• The production of useful bioactive substances, such as vitamins;
• Maintaining immune function.

Probiotics are precisely these good bacteria that accompany us from birth. Although the most popular place inhabited by these bacteria is the intestines (and especially the large intestine), they can be found in any part of our body in contact with the "outside world". These are the mouth, the urogenital tract and the skin.

Getting probiotics naturally, as well as maintaining them in sufficient quantities for good health, is done by consuming a well-balanced diet. Daily intake of fermented foods based on lactic acid bacteria and high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are essential to maintain a balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the body, to protect the intestinal tract from disease, and to maintain of intestinal immune activity.

Leading a healthy lifestyle in today's dynamic world is a great challenge for each of us. The fast-paced lifestyle, daily stress, consumption of fast foods of incompletely clarified origin, heat-treated and canned foods, medication, have a negative impact on the intestinal microflora. This requires the supply of probiotics in other ways, such as taking probiotic supplements with a high content of beneficial bacteria. Such bacteria are, for example, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The most important place among the different types of probiotics is Lactobacillus bulgaricus, contained in the original Bulgarian yogurt.

Benefits of taking probiotics

• Due to their ability to ferment indigestible carbohydrates, probiotics are able to obtain energy in this way. They act preventively against diseases of the digestive system.
• They have a good effect on diarrhea, constipation and have a positive effect on intestinal motility.
• Have a preventive effect against diabetes and obesity.
• Normalize cholesterol levels in the body.
• Help with imbalance and have a beneficial effect on the urinary and vaginal tract.
• They work well in established lactose intolerance.
• They even act on the skin - soothe various skin irritations and acne.
• They also act on oral hygiene. With a higher percentage of bad bacteria in the intestinal flora, we begin to feel some discomfort in the oral cavity such as bad breath, coated tongue, sore gums, etc., when taking probiotics you will feel a drastic change.
• Protect the body from food allergies.
• Improve the overall well-being of the body.

When you should take probiotics?

It is good to take a probiotic after taking an antibiotic, but not at the same time, because the antibiotic kills these "good" bacteria.
Also take probiotics when you feel that the gastrointestinal tract is not in good balance, namely in diarrhea caused by poor food, infection or otherwise, in pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

They have a beneficial effect on overweight and obesity. This is because in these conditions a person usually eats poor quality, fatty and heavy food, which contributes to the formation of bad bacteria and thus the nutrients from the food are not properly absorbed and accumulate in the form of fat.
We, from Lactina, try to contribute to the good health and balanced intestinal microflora of the person, young and old, of the whole family. Our goal is to acquaint consumers with the gilding and the impact of probiotics on the human body.

In addition, you will find different types of probiotics that restore the health and vitality of the human body.

For the natural supply of probiotics, we have also taken care of Lactina, offering natural Bulgarian yeasts for preparing your favorite traditional yogurt at home.

Follow our blog for more useful information related to probiotics and maintaining a healthy digestive system!
